Dynaxa LLC is introducing GST ISIS Wet/Thermal scrubbers to replace the CDO 859, CDO 863 scrubbers. GST is one of the three(3) largest manufacturers of POU scrubbers in the world. Primary supplier to one of world’s largest semiconductor manufacturer. Full range of other scrubbing technologies also available (dry, burn/wet, water). Contact Dynaxa LLC at 203-300-5237 or info@Dynaxallc.com.
- Reactor (process gas path) surface construction with Inconel
- SiC heaters with Inconel 600 housing
- 850°C operation
- CDA for reaction O2
- Steam injection Option
- ACCS (Air Curtain Cleaning System)
- Inlet heater jacket option
- Pump drain option
- Multiple heater elements
- Hinged heater for rapid clean and
- Corrosion resistant heater housing and reactor
- Stable reactor temperature for high abatement efficiency
- Low NOx and CO emissions
- HVM (high volume manufacturing) proven